An ever changing world, a more digital, more resilient and greener industry. What business case can be built? Those are the focus areas of EU Industry Days 2021.
Register for 23-26 February 2021, for the European industry's flagship event of the year.
Stakeholders will exchange ideas on different policies to enable EU industry to deliver jobs, growth and #innovation in Europe.
The European Commission is investing in EU industry for a modern, clean and fair economy. It promotes industrial competitiveness through many of our major initiatives and aim to empower citizens, revitalise regions and have the best technologies for the smart, innovative industry of the future.
EU Industry Days is Europe’s flagship annual event on industry. It serves as the main platform to discuss industrial challenges and co-develop opportunities and policy responses in an inclusive dialogue with a wide range of partners.
It also helps to ensure that policies at European, national, regional and local levels work together to enable European industry to deliver jobs, growth and innovation in Europe.
Register and find more information on the event here.