Learning good practices in the country of 1,000 lakes
My name is Mihaela Viorica Ruşitoru. I am doctor in Education Sciences at the University of Strasbourg (France) and associated professor at IUTAM Inter-university Institute for the Third Age, Montréal (Canada). As a result of the EYE project, I created an International cabinet in educational consulting. I will tell you how!
In 2017, I enjoyed an educational experience as a participant of Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs – EYE, funded by the European Union. Under the advice of the business development agency Tempo, I contacted Oxalis Scop, intermediary organisation for the EYE programme in France. I spent 6 months as a young entrepreneur among the team of the Finnish start-up KOULU GROUP EDUCATION, located in Helsinki.
My initial project was to be trained in Finland and afterwards, to come back to France and to run my own business, namely an international cabinet in educational consulting, dream that became reality this summer, in 2019. The goal is to run an international cabinet of consulting in education engineering and lifelong learning policies. The story of my project traces back to my own personal and professional experience: I did a "cotutelle” – joint agreement between France and Romania and I faced multiple administrative and cultural obstacles. Thus, I realized that private or public educational establishments need advices and studies in order to improve them educational offers. On the other hand, the experience in Finland astonished me so; I wanted to share with educational actors these good practices learnt in the country of 1,000 lakes.
The experience in the host company in Finland helped me to discover the hard core of Finnish education and to visit Finnish schools, training centers, faculties, trade fairs, and so on. For months, I discover with enthusiasm plenty of amazing educational experiences. Moreover, my project was selected for a training provided by Think Company from Helsinki. Thanks to this training, I developed my own pedagogical model named "Personal blossoming pedagogy” and I presented it inside New Co, a public organisation supporting foreign entrepreneurs and investors. The model of personal blossoming pedagogy focuses on the idea that education is the mean/tool that could support each human being to blossom and flourish throughout life. Eager to share this unique experience, I wrote a book about the Finnish excellence in education whose French version was recently published and launched by Harmattan in Paris. The English version of the book will be published soon. So, let us continue to believe that education can really change the world for the better and to do all efforts so that this challenge become a lovely reality!
More about me:
I am also associate
researcher at the Laboratory Elliadd, University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté
(France) and at Helsinki University (Finland). Currently, I am Junior Science
Officer at the European Science Foundation in Strasbourg (France). Specialist
in lifelong learning policiesdeveloped by the International Organisations, the European Union and the
national governments, I graduated in Orthodox Theology - Social Work in
Cluj-Napoca as well as in Law, Political Sciences, Ethics and Human Rights in
Strasbourg. I worked at the European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe
and in different universities in France and Romania and did researches in
Finland, France, Romania and United Kingdom, publishing books in drugs
addiction and lifelong learning policies, and articles related to the right to
education, the educational policies, the media education and the gerontagogy. I
am involved in different researches which link the academic field and the
practical activities on the ground in order to develop innovative models in
education and social work, especially through the personal blossoming
pedagogy I created during my unforgettable stay in Finland….

Mihaela-Viorica Rusitoru (FR)
Specialist in lifelong learning policies and consultant on education practices.
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