Felix-Emanuel Costache & Theodor Domuta - Erasmus entrepreneurs

Success stories

Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme

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New entrepreneur:
Felix-Emanuel Costache (Romania)
Age: 36
Company name: Comprehensive, www.comprehensive.ro , www.shopiero.com (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Advertising,Promotion, Media

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs widens the horizons for any wanna be entrepreneur. Having already set up my business in Romania, I have been privileged to learn and operate within an existing business framework before making any mistakes in my own! I would definitively recommend the programme to any entrepreneur.

Host entrepreneur:
Theodor Domuta (United States)
Age: 42
Company name: One Creative Inc oncreative.us (20 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Advertising,Promotion, Media

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a very valuable program for any wanna be entrepreneur and I felt privileged to contribute to it.

Period of exchange: 10/2021 until 01/2022
Duration of exchange: 3 months


Results and benefits


1 new country reached
1 new country reached
30 new contacts
Dropshipping/ Online sales Advertising and Promotion


Felix-Emanuel Costache has been volunteering for 11 years and working for youth and Roma integration NGOs for 13 years. In all these years he has mainly worked for non-profit organisations and had few jobs in the private sector. He wanted to participate in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme to meet a host entrepreneur from whom he can learn the true entrepreneurial spirit and get support in developing his business idea by observing, understanding and learning from him. Theodor Domuta is a seasoned entrepreneur from New York who after 20 years in different businesses, 2 major crises and 2 different continents felt that sharing his experiences is one of the most important ways to give back! He shared his experience in web finance and starting commercial enterprises. Theodor wanted to teach and support Felix how to do business and learn from him the new tools and most successful approaches to use.

Felix has been involved in activities related to clients. He got to know some of the host's clients, potential providers for his own business, entrepreneurs and various business prospects with different business models and business orientations who are not small business owners or solopreneurs. He also got to know the American business environment, the legal framework, some of the facilities and some of the support organisations relevant to his business such as the business district, the Romanian Consulate, the Romanian Business Council and others. Theodor took him to some meetings, introduced him to his clients and gave him access to various business events and potential business partners. Together, the entrepreneurs analysed the mutually beneficial framework and the host supported Felix in gaining business experience. In return, Felix introduced Theodor and some of his clients to investment opportunities and the legal framework in Romania.

Felix has benefited from mentoring, advice, guidance, introduction to the American business environment and potential partners and stakeholders for his company, expanding significantly his network abroad. He also gained knowledge about local expansion opportunities, met clients and business people, and learned from his host entrepreneur and team. According to Theodor, his company gained a new approach and perspective for his business. Thanks to Felix's experience and knowledge in software integration and automation, the company was able to automate 4 workflows, customise 1 Romanian business framework presentation, conduct 7 business analyses, simulate 4 new business processes and develop a new business strategy.

For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:

New entrepreneur's contact point:
Institutul Postliceal Phoenix (Cluj Napoca, Romania)

Host entrepreneur's contact point:

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