Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
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Davide Lasorella (Italy)
Age: 25
Company name: (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Francisco Mangado Beloqui (Spain)
Age: 64
Company name: Mangado y Asociados | (40 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Period of exchange: 06/2021 until 12/2021
Duration of exchange: 6 months
Business sector of the exchange
Davide Lasorella is an aspiring entrepreneur from Italy, who discovered the EYE programme by chance, while talking with two acquaintances. Initially, he didn’t think it was also aimed at architects but thanks to a friend he understood that it was possible and right then started to acquire information through the website and looking for the IO nearest to him. This started in December 2020 and he found the possibility to leave to undertake this journey in June 2021 thanks and above all to the help and availability of the host entrepreneur, Francisco Mangado Beloqui. Davide expected to understand all the steps of a project process and define how to achieve them successfully for his future business meanwhile Francisco wanted to develop the project of his own business with a new foreign architectural and marketing point of view.
During the exchange, the new entrepreneur shadowed the host through all the steps he must go through in dealing with a client. He also observed and assisted the other member of the team to understand the mechanisms and processes of an architectural firm, with particular attention to marketing and advertising strategies. Davide also worked with Francisco throughout the period to adapt and develop his business plan. He was actively involved in developing a project from scratch, following it up with the clients and defining it in detail. During the approval of the project by the client and the country, Davide acquired technical skills and methods that were useful for the following phase of the project and his future activity. Finally, it was on to the execution of the project, focusing on the bureaucratic and legal procedures.
The new entrepreneur discovered and deepened numerous aspects that are fundamental to the successful management of an architectural studio. This led not only to an expansion of his personal knowledge, but also to new contacts with clients and collaborators that will be useful to him in the future. Davide has developed new skills that he will be able to apply as soon as he opens his own business, facilitating a job that at first glance seemed almost insurmountable. These skills include not only the purely entrepreneurial field, but also the architectural field with the knowledge of new technologies. The new and host entrepreneurs want to stay in touch. Francisco has discovered new technologies and new ways of working that have not been used in his company before. In addition, there is the use of new software and development processes. He has also discovered the needs of the new generations by also developing new ways of seeing and discovering new concepts in the world.
For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:
New entrepreneur's contact point:
UNISCO Network per lo Sviluppo Locale (Bari, Italy)
Host entrepreneur's contact point:
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