Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
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Lavinia Cupello (Ireland)
Age: 29
Company name: (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Legal, fiscal and other consultancy services
Gerard Jonkman (Netherlands)
Age: 55
Company name: The Rights Forum / (9 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Legal, fiscal and other consultancy services
Period of exchange: 09/2020 until 01/2021
Duration of exchange: 5.5 months
Results and benefits
During her time at The Rights Forum, Lavinia worked on many legal cases involving violations of international law and applying the jurisprudence of various international tribunals. She was also able to develop her skills in organising work on a daily basis and working as part of a team in the field of human rights legal advice. During the exchange, she gained practical experience in all these areas and was able to broaden her knowledge and learn about the practical side of business management, while the host entrepreneur benefited from Lavinia's skills in successfully managing legal cases.
The collaboration has been very successful as Lavinia has developed her skills in legal advice and practise in the field of human rights. She and Gerard have developed a very close collaborative relationship that will continue after the exchange. Thanks to Lavinia's previous experience, the host entrepreneur has also gained knowledge about international institutions and the functioning of such organisations.
For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:
New entrepreneur's contact point:
Dublin Chamber of Commerce (Dublin, Ireland)
Host entrepreneur's contact point:
Quarter Mediation (Utrecht, Netherlands)
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