Filippo Tommasoli & Marco Evangelista   - Erasmus entrepreneurs

Success stories

Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme

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New entrepreneur:
Filippo Tommasoli (Italy)
Age: 31
Company name: Tommasoli Visual Factory / (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Advertising,Promotion, Media

The experience was a great opportunity for personal and professional growth and gave me the opportunity to lay the groundwork for future business development in the United States.

Host entrepreneur:
Marco Evangelista (United States)
Age: 51
Company website (5 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Hotel, restaurant, tourism, travel services and wellness

The cooperation with Filippo opened up the possibility of developing further ideas for travel packages [...] and further expanding the product offered.

Period of exchange: 08/2021 until 09/2021
Duration of exchange: 5 weeks and 1 day


Results and benefits


1 new country reached
1 new country reached
Visual storytelling for corporate territorial heritage and tourism


Filippo Tommasoli is a motivated young entrepreneur who, after developing his career in one of Italy's oldest photo studios, started his own company, Tommasoli Visual Factory, working in the field of visual storytelling for corporate and territorial heritage. To learn how to use his own skills in the tourism sector, he decided to join the EYE Global Programme. He also wanted to discover the American market and lay the foundation for a future expansion of his business in the US. Marco Evangelista is the experienced entrepreneur Filippo worked with for five weeks. Marco is the Director of Group Sales at Central Holidays, a tour operator founded in 1972 that organises itineraries to destinations around the world. By hosting an aspiring entrepreneur, Marco was able to benefit from Filippo's photography and video-making skills to increase his company's visibility through new marketing tools.


While overseas, Filippo was able to shoot his pilot documentary about second, third and fourth generation Italian-Americans who want to discover their roots by travelling to Italy. He cast the subjects for his project and shot the videos in all the locations in the New York metropolitan area that play a central role in the history of Italian-Americans. Thanks to Marco's help, Filippo was able to plan the next steps for the further development and marketing of his Heritage Travel Documentary and engage in networking activities.


From Filippo's point of view, the collaboration was definitely successful, as he had the opportunity to immerse himself in his project, get to know a foreign market and lay the foundation for new business opportunities. He even intends to stay in touch with Marco: "We have started a working partnership that will last beyond the programme and that will bring us both new relationships and benefits. Marco also benefitted from the exchange.

For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:

New entrepreneur's contact point:

Host entrepreneur's contact point:

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