Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
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New entrepreneur:
Matteo Carbone (Italy)
Age: 32
Company name: Studio Isometrica (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Matteo Carbone (Italy)
Age: 32
Company name: Studio Isometrica (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Try to build an enterprise where to work smarter and in a more focused way for a more relaxed and productive work environment and to have more free time for yourself!
Host entrepreneur:
Remko Remijnse (Netherlands)
Age: 47
Company name: 2by4-architects (15 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Remko Remijnse (Netherlands)
Age: 47
Company name: 2by4-architects (15 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
The NE has helped us to approach the projects he worked on from a
different perspective. By doing so the projects become more interesting
and that helped moving these projects forward.
Period of exchange: 08/2020 until 02/2021
Duration of exchange: 6
Business sector of the exchange
Architectural services
Matteo is an Italian New Entrepreneur from Florence. Following his graduation he was looking for the best opportunity to start a career in architecture and thanks to a colleague and friend of his he came across the EYE programme. Having some experience from working only in a Florence-based architectural firm, he believed that the programme was the right way to enrich his knowledge and a useful starting point for his future own entrepreneurship. So during the months of lockdown in Italy he finally decided to take part in this experience. Contrary to Italian architectural practice in the Netherlands the building scene is more vital and opened to positive innovations. This was also the case of his Host, Remko Remijnse and his firm 2by4: a small office focused on prefabricated wooden architecture something that really fascinated Matteo and was always part of his academic interests.
The two entrepreneurs collaborated in multiple projects of the office spanning from a general to a more specific scale. In particular he was involved in the design of a private residence on a beautiful island both in the initial and the final phase of the design. Meeting the client and analysing their feedback was a real educational process for the NE. He discussed the problems with the HE always in an open and productive way and they came up with interesting solutions. He was also one of the members of the design team during an architectural competition. This was the occasion to interact more closely with all his colleagues and to face different ideas.
The variety of projects in Matteo was involved in gave him the possibility to challenge himself in all aspects of the entrepreneurial activity: from understanding the general work-flow of an architectural firm to very precise and detailed problem solving issues. Working in an international team made up of people with different backgrounds and experiences gave him the opportunity to learn how to deal with ideas and integrate them in a productive and positive way; especially in the context of a competition that is always very demanding and a bit stressful. Last but not least, working and living abroad even at a time of lockdowns and curfew is always a chance for personal growth.
For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:
New entrepreneur's contact point:
Van der Vliet Evidence Based Training (Lierop, Netherlands)
Host entrepreneur's contact point:
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