Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
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Farnam Kavehei (Spain)
Age: 25
Company name: (Start-up)
Sector of activity: IT, office and communication equipment, services and supplies
Javad Hatami (Portugal)
Age: 36
Company name: Builtrix / (5 years of experience)
Sector of activity: IT, office and communication equipment, services and supplies
Period of exchange: 09/2019 until 02/2020
Duration of exchange: 5 months
Business sector of the exchange
Farnam Kavehei, an NE at an early stage in his start-up based in Spain, discovered the EYE programme thanks to a friend at a language class he was taking. He wanted to learn how startups actually work and he thought it would be a great opportunity for his project. His host, Javad Hatami of Builtrix Co. helps companies understand and reduce energy consumption by analysing their energy data, and is based in Lisbon in Portugal. The idea for both entrepreneurs was to create a good relationship for the future for Builtrix to develop a new interface for their service and product improve the usability and especially for the NE to learn how they work, how to start, and run a startup, to learn, how to prepare for different funding opportunities and of course to improve his international experience and skills.
Farnam was quick to adapt the the hosts' team and had a great connection from day one. The co-working space they collaborated in houses many international companies so he was in an ideal environment. During the exchange the NE was able to learn about various incubators and accelerators operating in Lisbon and their growth process. He also had the the opportunity to participate at a Web Summit, one of the world's biggest technology conferences as a member of the Builtrix family. They designed together the interface of the website and a whole new interface for the digital dashboard service. They also ran another project for the municipality of Cascais for a sustainability campaign which the NE designed.
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs allowed Farnam to experience another culture and society choosing Lisbon for his exchange rewarded him with invaluable experience for his career path and contacts. Both parts gained from this exchange. The NE on his user research skills and design skills and the HE improved the service usability and design.
For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:
New entrepreneur's contact point:
Host entrepreneur's contact point:
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