Dimitrios GEORGIOU & Michele Angelo SOLINAS - Erasmus entrepreneurs

Success stories

Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme

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New entrepreneur:
Dimitrios GEORGIOU (Greece)

Company website (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Hotel, restaurant, tourism, travel services and wellness

EYE provided me with the rare opportunity to feel what a holistic extraordinary gastronomy & cultural experience can be and at the same time the skills to organize and implement such a project in a sustainable way.

Host entrepreneur:
Michele Angelo SOLINAS (Italy)

Company website (20 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Legal, fiscal and other consultancy services

Period of exchange: 10/2012 until 12/2012
Duration of exchange: 3 months


Results and benefits


1 new company created
2 new jobs created
13 new contracts
1 new country reached
100 new contacts


Dimitrios  started investing in the stock market at the age of 14 while at 23 he was working as investment analyst for a private equity and later on for the European Central Bank. However his volunteering experience in the cultural field inspired him to realise that finance can be used to create sustainable business models and address social issues so he decided to explore this path combining it with his passion for traveling & food. During this quest Ihe had an exchange in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program on sustainable/alternative tourism in Italy. He pursued a Master of Philosophy in Finance and volunteered for multisensory cultural projects (in Greece, Austria and Germany). Returning to Greece he worked as an associate to the secretary general of the Greek national tourism organisation. He finally felt he had enough experience and the right team to establish his company "Dishcover".

Dimitri's participation in EYE was transformative. Before that he had awards and distinctions on relevant projects and studies. However during his cooperation with the Host Entrepreneur and the team of Smeralda Consulting, his skills and knowledge reached a different level through robust experience. He got experience around designing tree diagrams, Gantt tables and setting milestones among others, for effective project planning and management. - involved in projects of cross-border partnerships - researched and created manuals around agricultural and maritime tourism- involved in special events such as the "Magie d’Inverno” that combined exhibition of luxury products with local culture and products - familiarized himself with youth programs and programs of knowledge and innovation transfer- experienced how his finance research and business skills can lead to preservation of cultural heritage through and got to know the whole process.

Being in a different country helped me to open my horizons and mind: new practices approaches and understanding of different cultural contexts. The Host entrepreneur provided him with several opportunities for learning. All in all EYE provided me with skills and a compass towards my entrepreneurial journey. Recently he had the first agreement for cooperation outside Greece and he wants to accelerate this process and further expand. Moreover they started planning their fundraising efforts. The investment landscape for travel tech startups is very challenging but Dimitris is convinced they have a very strong value proposition and innovative approach.

For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:

New entrepreneur's contact point:

Host entrepreneur's contact point:
ART-ER, Attractiveness Research Territory Soc. cons. p. a (Bologna, Italy)

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