Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
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Sabine Sobo Blay (Italy)
Company name: (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Clothing, footwear, leather and textile, luggage articles and accessories
Antoine Salmon (France)
Company name: Rives (10 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Clothing, footwear, leather and textile, luggage articles and accessories
Period of exchange: 09/2019 until 01/2020
Duration of exchange: 5 months
Sabine graduated in Political Science at the University of Bologna . After two years of working as international relations management she decided to bring out her passion for fashion. She started a tailoring course at Bologna and got in love with it then started planning her fashion brand. She presented her business plan to Almacube and had the opportunity to go to Rives Paris boutique to increase her business skills and acquire useful ones for running a fashion brand. Antoine is founder and owner at Rives Paris men made to measures shirts and suits brand. They had previously hosted NEs with success. For the development of the new project they were looking for a young and passionate team ready to take up such a great challenge. Sabine presentation and background matched and the collaboration was successful. It was prolonged to finalize the launching process.
We developed the business model of the new men fashion brand. The collection is created by the union of the European manufacture and the Senegalese style. Planned the e-commerce website carried out market research and benchmarking researched and found the workshops for the collection activated collaboration with suppliers researched and signed contract with courier service for the e-commerce customer service planning e-commerce management market strategy planning marketing and communication strategy planning social media platform management planning shooting video campaign brand policy and company domain budget management planning initial investment planning brand launching strategy best way to proceed on the market market sector and target customers planning brand launching schedule.
The New Entrepreneur Sabine was able to help developing a great project creating a new brand which has a huge market potentiality. She increased her entrepreneurial skills increased her experience in planning and managing a fashion brand. She built important network with makers and suppliers which will be useful for her personal business. She learnt to plan and develop e-commerce website. She got to know the Parisian fashion sector better and got in touch with stakeholders who will be useful if in the future she wish to expand her business in France.rnThe Host Entrepreneur Antoine benefited from Sabine’s knowledge of the African culture and the African market. As well as he benefited from her focused researches the market analysis and market strategies. After the test on the target market the project will be expanded to all the West Africa markets where Sabines knowledge can be very useful.
For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:
New entrepreneur's contact point:
ALMACUBE (Bologna, Italy)
Host entrepreneur's contact point:
Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de région Paris Ile-de-France (Paris, France)
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