Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
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Yagmur Masmas (Netherlands)
Age: 22
Company name: A green story - (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Organic/Bio/Eco products & services
Jodie Cook ()
Age: 28
Company name: JC Social Media (since 2011), Clever Tykes (since 2013) (alongside cofounder Ben Cook) (6 years of experience)
Sector of activity: IT, office and communication equipment, services and supplies
"Yagmur has been involved on every level of the company, from analyzing our processes and seeing how they could be done better right down to social media interaction. The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme has meant that we have had a very helpful hand, someone who you know will surely contribute to your busine. You don’t get that all the time, it’s quite rare."
Period of exchange: 02/2017 until 07/2017
Duration of exchange: 5
A Green Story
During high school in The Netherlands, Yagmur Masmas became concerned about her environmental impact. Therefore, she started exploring eco-friendly school supplies. As a result of this search, she founded the business "GreenStory” in university and soon started working together with her brother Kaim. "Greenstory” is an online shop with the bestselling product GreenBook, the erasable whiteboard notebook which can be cleaned and reused.
In February 2017, after finishing her Bachelor’s studies, Yagmur decided to participate in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme to push her business forward. She notably needed to develop her marketing skills, as well as a strategy to expand outside the Netherlands.
In Birmingham (UK), she collaborated with host entrepreneur Jodie Cook. During the exchange, Yagmur quickly learned what she set out as objective: a strong marketing strategy that will boost the start-up sales.
As an outcome of this collaboration, Yagmur has reinforced the online presence of "GreenStory” and has developed an English version of her company website which enabled her to tap into new markets.
For Jodie Cook, Yagmur was an invaluable support, managing various projects, researching, giving feedback and fresh insights as well as brainstorming together about Jodie’s newest venture. |
For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:
New entrepreneur's contact point:
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (Eindhoven, Netherlands)
Host entrepreneur's contact point:
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