Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
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Can Ozyurek (Türkiye)
Age: 28
Company name: (Start-up)
Sector of activity: IT, office and communication equipment, services and supplies
Ieva Zeromskaite (Lithuania)
Age: 31
Company name: Mindletic / (7 years of experience)
Sector of activity: IT, office and communication equipment, services and supplies
Period of exchange: 02/2023 until 05/2023
Duration of exchange: 3 months
Business sector of the exchange
Can is an aspiring entrepreneur who hopes to start a business in the field of data consultancy. He shares his experience about his exchange.
"As a young engineer, I
was in search of how to address this ambition. I discovered the program through
the internet. Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a program that presents
numerous opportunities for young entrepreneurs. It holds immense significance
as it provides a platform to connect with experienced leaders who can mentor
young individuals. I aimed to comprehend and acquire insights into the
intricacies of running a start-up, so that I would be prepared for unexpected
challenges when I embark on my own venture. Furthermore, gaining insights into
start-up stories from various European countries is particularly inspiring for
young individuals.
Mindletic, a mental health tech startup in Lithuania, strives to predict and prevent destructive behaviors in the workplace. I spearhead the data function at Mindletic, drawing from my background in HR tech marketing and automotive tech fields. I am deeply enthusiastic about mentoring like-minded individuals who aspire to build careers in the data industry.The foundation of our relationship was built upon creating and enhancing solutions based on data technologies. This engagement helped Can to truly grasp how data technologies can be instrumental in running a business. Due to these reasons, the primary activities during this collaboration were centered around developing specific machine learning features. Additional undertakings encompassed data analysis projects aimed at enhancing the business.
Ieva, my host, shared her wealth of data-related experience with me, guiding through their projects' trajectories and providing advice on tackling business challenges. She facilitated mylearning in stakeholder management, improved communication skills, and European business etiquette.”
Can believes that this experience will accelerate his progress in establishing his own business and foster potential future collaborations with Mindletic. Hetranslated his acquired skills to contribute to several Mindletic projects and tasks, offering a valuable second opinion when required. "Collaborating with a young engineer like Can, with a unique perspective, facilitated the integration of people and teams from diverse backgrounds in our projects” says Ieva.
For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:
New entrepreneur's contact point:
Istanbul Okan University (Istanbul, Türkiye)
Host entrepreneur's contact point:
European social entrepreneurship and innovative studies institute (Kaunas, Lithuania)
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