Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
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Ilija Bulajic (Montenegro)
Age: 35
Company name: Click Consult | (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Legal, fiscal and other consultancy services
Almir Paocic (Bosnia And Herzogovina)
Age: 41
Company name: Centar za edukaciju I obrazovanje (15 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Education and training services
Period of exchange: 01/2023 until 02/2023
Duration of exchange: 1 month and 1 day
Business sector of the exchange
The participants of the exchange are Ilija Bulajic from Nikšić (Montenegro), head of the company Click Consult and Almir Paocic from Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina), owner of the company Center for Training and Education. Ilija discovered the EYE program by chance, and he liked the idea of staying in another country where he could gain new knowledge about business and meet new people. The benefits of this exchange were many: in addition to the professional knowledge he gained about business projects and accounting, he was able to meet new people and hear new ideas. Almir saw the EYE programme as an opportunity to exchange experiences with a new entrepreneur. Given his many years of experience in mentoring and working with different target groups in the areas of business plan development, business idea development, advertising, marketing and other business topics, he wanted to improve his network of business partners.
At their first meeting, Ilija and Almir set up a comprehensive action plan to achieve their business goals during the exchange. They recognised the importance of clear communication and understanding and established their goals, workflows and guidelines. They identified key indicators for a successful collaboration, including creating a new operating model for Click Consult, developing a new business plan and enhancing the new entrepreneur's project management and market research skills. An important part of the strategic plan was the development of a new business model. This process included the separation of accounting and courier services, creating a clearer operational framework. They also worked on defining additional services within the accounting agency, including educational programmes and open days, to diversify and enrich their offering. Ilija and Almir also prioritised market research activities to drive Click Consult's success. They set clear objectives for market research, determined the sample and designed a comprehensive survey. They were convinced that understanding the market landscape and customer base through data analysis and the recommendations derived from it would effectively support business decisions.
Their joint efforts also led to the creation of a novel business plan. This plan contained a detailed description of the services, a clear presentation of the range of services and a detailed analysis of the market and the competition. This strategic document was intended to guide business operations and ensure that market needs were met while differentiating from the competition. The common goals of this exchange were clearly outlined: Broadening the knowledge base, understanding business practices in foreign markets, sharing expertise on accounting and international standards, sharing insights on business registration and liquidation, preparing annual balance sheets and preparing credit reports for banks. Ilija, the new entrepreneur, wanted to learn strategies for expanding into new markets, understanding new client groups and applying new accounting laws and international regulations in Montenegro. Almir, the host entrepreneur, wanted to inject new energy and ideas into his business, gain insights into the Montenegrin business environment, apply new accounting software and international accounting standards, and improve his marketing strategy. This includes segmentation, online advertising, messaging, selection of distribution channels, identification of new target groups and analysis of their characteristics. Through this exchange, both entrepreneurs have fruitfully transferred knowledge and contributed to their individual and joint business growth.
For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:
New entrepreneur's contact point:
Host entrepreneur's contact point:
Enterprise Development Agency Eda Banja Luka (Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzogovina)
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