Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
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Magnus Deiss (Germany)
Age: 39
Company name: ENDEKO GmbH / (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Research and development equipment & services
Gustavo Franco (Spain)
Age: 43
Company name: All Media Consulting / (10 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Research and development equipment & services
Period of exchange: 02/2022 until 07/2022
Duration of exchange: 1 month (fragmented exchange)
Results and benefits
The Host Entrepreneur Gustavo is the Director and Business Owner of All Media Consulting, and He was looking for a German partner for a better understanding of the business culture in the market. Then he was offered Magnus’ profile, a great mix of early entrepreneurship (, experience as an employee in past positions in a German medium-sized company, and fresh ideas for innovation. The two entrepreneurs discussed their ideas and came to an agreement for collaboration. They both felt it was a good match both with regards to the professional but also the personal side. Gustavo and Magnus were keen on getting to know the respective markets Spain and Germany and have a good start in these markets.
Gustavo and Magnus started analysing the general way business is done in Spain and Germany. Subsequently, they conducted on-site and virtual business meetings, both with Spanish and German customers. After contacting several businesses in Barcelona interesting for Magnus, they had the chance to visit two companies together to discuss future collaborations. This was particularly valuable since COVID was still hindering travel and face-to-face meetings.
They were able to develop practical sales opportunities, from prospecting to lead generation. In order to assist Gustavo, German communication standards have been written. The two entrepreneurs also discussed further marketing and sales material and prepared digital marketing campaigns. Magnus took advantage in taking part in sales calls and thus developed his knowledge in cold calling to push his own business. Finally, the two entrepreneurs consulted each other about strategies in the different fields of their businesses.
Magnus and Gustavo built up a strong relationship and friendship with each other with the aim to help each other out from time to time in the future. The exchange gave them the chance to acquire a better understanding of the business cultures of both countries, as well as practical inputs regarding language barriers or formal requirements for business communication. Magnus and Gustavo were also able to improve the sales approach and generate sales leads for both entrepreneurs. So, they managed to gain business contacts both in Barcelona for Magnus as well as in Germany for Gustavo. Magnus got acquainted with the steps to go through to build up a digital sales channel and how the sales process can be monitored with certain KPIs. He also learned about how a remote team can be managed that it performs like a classic workforce. The two entrepreneurs managed to organise a fruitful fragmented exchange with families to be considered and COVID having an impact on planning and travelling.
For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:
New entrepreneur's contact point:
Baden-Württemberg International (Stuttgart, Germany)
Host entrepreneur's contact point:
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