Aram Manokian & Rima Sahakyan - Erasmus entrepreneurs

Success stories

Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme

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New entrepreneur:
Aram Manokian (Armenia)
Age: 25
Company website (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Organic/Bio/Eco products & services

It was a valuable experience to work with Rima and Tre Bio learning about entrepreneurship outside the tech sector and getting familiar with the European business culture. Rima and the team passed their experience and knowledge which will be useful in the long and thrilling entrepreneurial journey.

Host entrepreneur:
Rima Sahakyan (Italy)
Age: 27
Company name: Tre-Bio | (3 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Organic/Bio/Eco products & services

It was a real pleasure to work with Aram not only for his entrepreneurial skills but also for the passion that he shows in what he does. Aram brought fresh ideas and a new point of view to the ongoing activities of Tre Bio.

Period of exchange: 03/2022 until 07/2022
Duration of exchange: 4 months


Results and benefits


1 new contract
2 new countries reached
1 new country reached
3 new contacts
Organic products


The story is about two motivated entrepreneurs with a vision for the future to add value in their respective fields. On the one hand, Aram, the new entrepreneur with a technical background and a drive to become the best entrepreneur he can be, working on his start-up "Gabby” in the pets' field, trying to improve dogs’ and their owners’ lives. On the other hand, Rima, as the host with her entrepreneurial experience in the bioeconomy, looking to bring her company "Tre Bio S.r.l.” involved in the trade of sustainable agricultural commodities to another level. They both decided to participate with the aim of learning and growing as professionals and entrepreneurs, getting acquainted with new markets, cultures and sectors and developing the business plans using a new mindset and insight coming from another perspective

The exchange was full of activity. The new entrepreneur, Aram, learnt about the host entrepreneur's business, how logistics are handled, how relationships with suppliers and customers are managed, and how banks help with international trade. Aram also learned about the production of animal feed and pet food, who the main players in this industry are, where the industry is heading and what developments can be expected in the future. Rima's new business idea -using insect-based proteins for animal feed that substitutes the current soybean (plant-based protein)- was developed with the help of the new entrepreneur and they both took part in a mini-pitching day in Paris, listening to different pitches from EU start-ups and doing some networking activities with them. Aram conducted interviews with locals about his app to get valuable information about the target customers, how they interact with their peers, how his company can help solve their problems, and to get feedback on his product and future product ideas.

The business plan for the host entrepreneur's new idea has been developed and the project has won the DigiCirc accelerator programme. The new entrepreneur's business plan was updated taking into account information gathered from local clients/users and with the help of Rima to better present it to future investors.

For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:

New entrepreneur's contact point:
Jinishian Memorial Foundation (Yerevan, Armenia)

Host entrepreneur's contact point:

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