Lara Adobati & Michela Ferrara - Erasmus entrepreneurs

Success stories

Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme

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New entrepreneur:
Lara Adobati (Spain)
Age: 23
Company name: N/A (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Music, theater, events and related cultural and entertainment services

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a great resource offered by the European Commission. It is an authentic opportunity to see your ideas materialize into reality in a foreign context with a high learning rate: as much information as possible can be spread about the project.

Host entrepreneur:
Michela Ferrara ()
Age: 47
Company name: NICOLA (NEW INTERNATIONAL COMPANY OF LIVE ARTS) / (10 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Music, theater, events and related cultural and entertainment services

It has been inspiring to collaborate with Lara, a young, creative professional that knows what she wants and works hard to gain it. Her positive attitude brought a new energy at NICOLA which we really needed after COVID and Brexit.

Period of exchange: 02/2021 until 05/2021
Duration of exchange: 3.5 months


Results and benefits


2 new jobs created
1 new country reached
19 new contacts
Arts and Community


If Lara Adobati could sum up her experience as a new entrepreneur in the EYE programme in London, she would use the metaphor "a labyrinth of ideas". It was like unravelling one’s own will with great effort and learning about the strong differences between expectations and reality. Lara was leaving her country again without an independent activity to support herself: she had flourishing ideas that wanted to find a dynamic in which they could be realised. Lara’s field is music journalism and what better city than London to learn about aspects of this artistic sphere? She discovered EYE during her past experience in EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY CORPS, which took place last year in Spain. At that time, the whole team of volunteers was busy learning and disseminating information about the opportunities that Europe provides for young people. After getting accepted, Lara found her perfect host in Michela Ferrara, founder of NICOLA – an organisation that prepares festivals, workshops, training, performance and other events.

During the EYE experience there was a mutual exchange of support between Michela and Lara. The latter started a radio project (SOUNDSCAPE Radio) in her association, recording with the well-equipped studio of NICOLA ARTS. Michela followed Lara in the formation of the team, the administrative organisation of the radio station, the planning of marketing activities and programme editing and the allocation of functions related to her role as coordinator. In turn, Lara helped Michela in the various tasks involving NICOLA ARTS, in particular with regard to the European projects that the association organises.

Thanks to this EYE experience, Lara received the basis to start and continue an independent web-radio. She learnt useful tools to search for resources or funds in her own area to support a personal project. Administrative and organisational skills were honed for professional purposes i.e. to set deadlines for work, organise meetings with the team or manage interviews and shootings. Lara also improved her level of English in the meantime by preparing interviews, contacting other structures that could support the radio, solving internal problems with the team or external problems with institutions and artists. In addition artistic and practical decision-making skills were honed as a team coordinator and radio producer. Finally, Lara expanded her network thanks to the interviews she carried out with local artists and the activities participated in with the team at NICOLA ARTS.

For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:

New entrepreneur's contact point:

Host entrepreneur's contact point:
(, )

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