Contractual & financial aspects - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Contractual & financial aspects

Commitments & financial aspects

The commitment between the new entrepreneur, the host entrepreneur and the two local contact points consists of two main elements:

  • A Commitment to Quality signed by the four parties (the new entrepreneur, the host entrepreneur and the two local contact points involved) setting out the objective(s) of the exchange, the activity plan, the responsibilities, the expected outcomes, the duration of the stay and the planned start and end dates;
  • An Agreement for Financial Support to the New Entrepreneur signed between the new entrepreneur and his/her local contact point. For more details about this funding go to the Financial support section of this website.

The local contact point of the new entrepreneur will distribute the financial support according to the terms set out in the agreement. The local contact points will ensure that the exchange goes as smoothly as planned, in line with the "Commitment to Quality”.